Alright, let's start off on a good foot with one of my favorite blogs. When all other things on the internet are boring, uninteresting, or ugly, I can always trust Design*Sponge. Written by a young, hipster Martha Stewart, this blog covers super cute weddings, cards, re-finishing furniture and occasionally foodie things.
Honestly though? I don't check this blog but every few weeks when I can gorge on a 50+ posts at once.
Likes: Her wedding everything. Sample photos*:
The entertainment - a banjo? Genius.
Her wedding was so great that she has five posts about it as seen here: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Dislikes: Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of posts in a day! And sometimes there is too much crafty stuff. I'm not a crafter, but I can appreciate small doses of it.
*Great photos can be credited to: Bethalee
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