Pasta and Saucea
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hungry:
Mmmmmarshmallows! I just found a few weeks ago what gelatin really was. How sad for me.
Also - here are two other sites, but they aren't really heavy on the beautiful photos, sorry!
What’s for dinner tonight?:
Brooklyn Home Companion:
I will try to remember to take pictures of my adventures and post them for you (but really… no promises). I get hungry and forget about everything else. Tonight I’m having curry! But it isn’t homemade – so there is not point to taking pictures. But, if you like quick delicious curry “Curry Simple” sells delicious bases that you can add your own protein/veggies to. My favorite things to add are fried tofu, bell peppers, and potatoes served over basmati rice. Mmmm…. Looking forward to it right now.
The Photodiarist
Likes: Cool Photos, didn't really read any of the writing... because I read the title of the blog...
Dislikes: I wish there were more in motion pictures.
Also - I have finished Books 2 and 3 of the New Year!
#2: Invisible Monsters by Chuch Palahniuk. Thoughts? It was weird, compelling, predictable (and yet not). All in all a decently entertaining super short book.
#3: I love you, Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle. It was a Youth in Revolt wanna be with too many explicit sexual innuendos. I went to high school - and this isn't it.
Sleep Talkin' Man
Here are a few lovely excerpts:
"My badger's gonna unleash hell on your ass. Badgertastic!"
(I also love his wife's notes on this: Karen's note: Yeah, I know, "Badgertastic" will have to go on a t-shirt. And no, I cannot explain the recurrence of badgers in Adams sleep-talk. Adam claims he has only seen a badger once in his life,, although we watch LOADS of nature shows.)
"I want to be a cowboy. I don't want to be a panda. Pandas are boring, stupid and boring. Bad panda!"
"Shhhhhhhhh. shhhhhhhhh. I'm telling you: your voice, my ears. A bad combination."
"Legs time! Everybody get your legs!"
"My vision of hell is a lentil casserole."
and finally.
"I can't control the kittens. Too many whiskers! Too many whiskers!"
Let me show you a few excerpts -
" sit like 2 feet away from me and I'm really sick of watching you pick your nose frantically before someone catches you! Just an FYI - I can see you in my peripheral vision ALL the time!! "
" Will you please stop cleaning your ears with the paper clips??? That is so gross!! "
"STOP CHANTING!! It's like sitting next to Rainman. All day long 6, 6, the way, we all agree that YOU ARE THE DEVIL. Please go somewhere else. "
and let's not forget this one which may have been dedicated to my sister
"You are not a Barbie Girl! Stop singing that ridiculous song!"
The Treasure Trove
ifoundsometreasure is a somewhat cool site. It is written by Eloise (a name I can always appreciate) who lives in Berlin. She finds (mostly) photography which is beautiful and displays it on her site like these photos:
Like this beautiful one by Paul Villinski.
And this one of a SPA. A beautiful spa that is heated and has underwater soothing music and a round pool… or something.
Likes: It is your basic look in awe blog. I love all the pretty pictures!
Dislikes: I wish that it drew me back for other reasons than to look at pretty photography- add a dimension or two.
On My Desk
Likes: Already stated, pry into what people stare at for hours on end - also, get some neat storage ideas.
Dislikes: Everyone who submits their workspace are just doing it to promote their blogs. I wish we could get some everyday people in here…
My Paper Place
Is it just me or are ALL blogspot blogs - crafty? Is there some trend I just now discovered… I need to look into this more. Quilters, Knitters, and Stamp-Tramps all over the place! Most of thegalblog-blog reminds me of White Oleander - where the daughter creates these art project to represent things…or something. It's been several years since I read that book.
Also a trend- if a blogspot blog has music… it's going to be Christian music.
Speaking of which- just finished Book #1 for 2010 - Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffeneggar. I'd get this one from the library as opposed to owning. A good read, but not a re-read.
Let's get on to the real blog of the day: mypaperpalace. It is a relatively unknown site with nice card ideas. I feel like card making is a hot new trend right now. I don't personally make any cards, but I see a lot of paper/card shops… and that has to mean something, right? Also, she's from Chile originally, very cool.
Likes: She tells you how she makes everything, and what kinds of stamps she uses. Also, lots of cutesy card ideas and other quirky card ideal like this terrifying gem:
Dislikes: Maybe too much cutesy stuff for my taste and occasionally uses LOLs.
Funny Friday
The Way the Cookie Crumbles
Likes: Delicious looking food with step by step photos, which really help when you've never made anything like it before.
Dislikes: I could not for the life of me, figure out how to contact the blogger Bridget to ask her about her blog or photos. I enjoy food... but I like having a little information about the blogger's personal life as well.
Take these tomatoes for example - don't they look beautiful? I don't even like tomatoes that much and I want to eat these. And check out these French Macaroons:
Don't they look divine? I have yet to have a French Macaroon (how lower class of me... yes, I know). I promise to try one soon-ish. I hear they melt in your mouth and I always love sugary things that do that. Like Cotton Candy from a state fair.
Likes: She's a native of Oklahoma City (as am I) and moved elsewhere to make her life (ditto again). She has used her popularity online to make a book, have a column in a popular food magazine... and start a small restaurant. If I ever return to Seattle, I want to try it.
Dislikes: Now that she has her restaurant and is super busy with other important things... she doesn't blog as much.
*Update! I found out she actually uses Polaroids and not just a program to make them Polaroids.Design*Sponge
The entertainment - a banjo? Genius.
Dislikes: Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of posts in a day! And sometimes there is too much crafty stuff. I'm not a crafter, but I can appreciate small doses of it.
*Great photos can be credited to: Bethalee
New Year's Resolutions
- Cover at least 100 blogs this year (and hopefully find some new favorites)
- Read at least 50 books... really unattainable goal.
- Try to cook some of the recipes I find through blogs, and attempt to make them look like a food stylist lives with me.
- Be healthy, happy, and laugh a lot.